Free Ship to Store

How it works:

  1. Select a
    Ship to Store
    item and add it to your shopping cart.
  2. If you have a account and you have already chosen your preferred store, simply log in and your store will be selected. If you are not logged in, simply click on "My Store: Choose Store" in the top header section of our homepage, enter your zip code, find the Kirkland’s location most convenient to you, then choose "Save As My Store."
  3. You may also select a store in your Shopping Cart; under the Delivery Options section, select Ship to Store, then click on "Change Location" to choose a store. Please select only one store per order.
  4. Complete your online order.

Your item should arrive at your selected store within approximately 7-10 business days (up to 14 business days for West Coast orders). We’ll send you an email when it is ready for pickup.